Last Updated: July 18, 2016
Kanya the solution for ATC simulator training rig
An ATC simulator training rig has been created using the Kanya aluminium build system as its framework. The project forms part of a larger project undertaken by parent company Thinking Space Systems to provide ATC tower training facilities.
The 360 degrees simulator is 7 metres wide by 2.6 metres high, in a decagon-shape design. Heavyheight Kanya aluminium profiles make up the framework. Ten large flat screen monitors are mounted around its perimeter. A personnel door has been created to allow access for training staff and ensure complete enclosure. To aid blackout and acoustic control, black wool serge material is fitted into the framework surrounding the screens, using one of two material entrapment methods available. Watch our video to find out more.
The simulator was assembled in the factory at Thinking Space, before being dismantled and freighted to the final site in South America.
Just one of the many applications the Kanya aluminium build system can be used for…
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